First Year Experience (FYE)
Mailing Address
First Year Experience
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 220
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Campus Location
Parker Hannifin Admin. Center
2300 Euclid Avenue, Rm. 220
Cleveland, OH 44115
Samantha Phillips
Manager, First Year Experience
P: 216-687-3734
During your first few weeks at Cleveland State, you might hear your peers, instructors, or staff members using terms that may not be familiar to you. No worries! We have included a CSU glossary for you to better acclimate to campus life. If you notice anything missing from this list, let us know.
Berkman Hall/Main Classroom (BH/MC)
Main Classroom (MC) was the name of the Berkman Hall (BH) building until the Fall of 2018, when the name was changed in honor of CSU's former president.
This is a web-based platform where your professors will keep course assignments and content, and you can also monitor your grades throughout the semester via Blackboard.
Becky's is a bar on 18th Street, if you are of age. Becky's also has decent food, trivia, and karaoke!
BU is the Business Building, and it is located on 18th Street, between the Law Building and the Urban Building.
Campus Activities Board (CAB)
The Campus Activities Board is a student organization that hosts a variety of different activities throughout the year for students. Their events are always free!
CLASS is a commonly used acronym when referring to the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS).
COSHP is a commonly used acronym when referring to the College of Science and Health Professions (COSHP). It is located on the 2nd floor of BH.
CSAI is a commonly used acronym when referring to the Center for Student Activities and Involvement. It is located on the 3rd floor of the Student Center and serves to support students who want to get involved, develop their leadership skills, and/or start a new student organization.
CSU Email
Your CSU email ends in
EC (Euclid Commons)
Euclid Commons is CSU's state-of-the-art community especially designed for the students of today and tomorrow. The community houses over 600 students. Euclid Commons provides the privacy and lifestyle you deserve in a student community that is conducive to achieving academic success.
Rhodes Tower Offices
Rhodes Tower (RT) houses the library and offices. When you walk into RT, if you go straight, you will go into the library. There are elevators with library access only to reach the library floors. If you go to the left instead of straight, you can use those elevators to go up to the offices that are housed in RT.
Fenn Hall
Fenn Hall is in between the Science Building and the Washkewicz Building. A lot of engineering and science classes are held here.
Fenn Tower
Fenn Tower is the original college that became CSU. It is now a dorm with a ballroom and game room that occasionally host CSU activities.
Each semester, CSU students receive a RTA UPass (included in your tuition!) which gives access to any RTA line. The HealthLine is an RTA bus that runs down Euclid Avenue, with direct access to Public Square, the Cleveland Clinic, University Hospital, Uptown and CSU. To check out the HealthLine route, click here.
InnerLink (the link)
This is an above ground tunnel, accessible on the second floor, that connects all the buildings (except Euclid Commons, Fenn Tower, Julka Hall, and the Union Building) on campus. It is a great route for when the weather is less than perfect!
Math Emporium
The Math Emporium, located on the second floor of the Michael Schwartz Library (RT 230), is a state-of-the-art learning center where students can interact with adaptive MyMathLab Plus software and a highly skilled instructional team. Students learn through an innovative, engaging and easy-to-use program designed to help them become comfortable and proficient in basic mathematics.
MC/BH Auditorium
This is the auditorium located on the first floor of Berkman Hall (BH), formerly called Main Classroom (MC). It is located near the elevators, closest to the library, and it is often used for larger on-campus presentations, such as A.L.I.C.E. training as well as Greek Life events.
Math Learning Center (MLC)
The Math Learning Center offers an encouraging walk-in environment that promotes students' mathematical learning. Experienced graduate and undergraduate Learning Assistants engage students and further their conceptual and computational understanding in all aspects of their mathematics coursework.
Psychology Department and Offices
The Psychology Department is located on the 7th floor of the Union Building (UN), with the professors' offices on the 2nd and 7th floor.
This is the CSU email program. Most professors will not answer to emails from a different email address and instead prefer that you communicate using your email. You can access your Outlook inbox by going to
Rhodes West (RW)
Rhodes West is located next to the Michael Schwartz library, tucked in a corner near the parking lot. Career Services and the Testing Center is located on the 2nd floor.
SGA is a commonly used acronym for the Student Government Association. It is located on the second floor of the student center. SGA allocates funding to student organizations and addresses the student body's concerns by advocating on behalf of students on numerous committees.
Starfish is an online program that makes it easier for undergraduate students to communicate and make appointments with support services and faculty on campus. You can login to Starfish to:
- Find your assigned advisor,
- Look for communication from your support network about your academic progress,
- Schedule an appointment to meet with an advisor or tutor,
- Schedule a tutorial with the Writing Center Schedule Supplemental Instruction (for certain courses), or
- Schedule course conferences (with participating faculty).
Student Center
This is the building where the bookstore, Viking Outfitters, Viking Grounds coffee shop, Outtakes dining hall, Chili's, Student Life, and various other offices/food places are. Many student events are held in the Student Center (SC).
TASC is a commonly used acronym for the Tutoring and Academic Success Center. It is a service available at no additional cost that includes tutoring, success coaching, and additional instruction that is paired with select courses led by SI (supplemental instruction) leaders and SLA's (structured learning assistants). TASC is located on the 2nd floor of Berkman Hall.
The Ballroom
The Ballroom is located on the 3rd floor of the Student Center.
The Cauldron
The Cauldron is a student-run newspaper distributed across campus. It covers campus events and has an opinion section as well.
The Quad/Courtyard/Plaza
This is the grassy area in between SC, BH, and RT. This is where the fountain is and where students spend sunny days.
The Vindicator
The Vindicator (Vindi) is a student-run magazine that focuses on social issues and features long-form content.
The TRIO/SSS Program is designed to help first-generation college and/or low-income students progress toward graduation. TRIO/SSS provides opportunities for academic development, assistance with college requirements and the motivation and support needed to complete a college degree!
The Union Building, which houses the Counseling Center, Psychology Department, and Psychology Labs, is located across the street from the Law Building, right next to Rascal House.
The Urban Building (UR) is the last building on campus before Playhouse Square. It is right after the Business Building (BU).
Viking Expeditions (VE)
Viking Expeditions (VE) is CSU's student-led service organization that provides students with volunteer opportunities, Alternative Break Trips, and membership socials. VE's office is located on the 3rd floor of the Student Center, across from CSAI.
Viking Outfitters/bookstore
The bookstore, more commonly known as Viking Outfitters, is located on the 1st floor of the Student Center. This is where you can buy your books, CSU gear, and other various items.
Mailing Address
First Year Experience
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 220
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Campus Location
Parker Hannifin Admin. Center
2300 Euclid Avenue, Rm. 220
Cleveland, OH 44115
Samantha Phillips
Manager, First Year Experience
P: 216-687-3734