

All members, if not currently funded by a national grant, shall submit at least one national grant per year.

All members shall submit grants for internal review by at least two members of the GRHD executive committee or by one member of the executive committee and one nationally funded scientist.

All members are strongly encouraged to submit study section reviews of their grants to the GHRD executive committee/GRHD director for review and additional feedback.

All members shall provide an annual research report to the executive committee/GRHD director detailing grant activity, manuscript submission/publication, invited seminars, poster presentations, service to the profession in the form of grant and manuscript review, and completion of doctoral dissertation, MS thesis and undergraduate independent study.

Tenured faculty shall additionally have the following within the preceding five years: (a) served as Principal Investigator on a national grant awarded to CSU and (b) published at least three peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts as a senior and/or corresponding author.

Membership is for tenure-track/tenured faculty and for a five-year period, renewable as long as the membership criteria and requirements continue to be met.

Membership criteria

Non-tenured faculty shall have a strong record of publication in peer-reviewed high impact scientific journals within the preceding five years.

Tenured faculty shall additionally have the following within the preceding five years: (a) served as Principal Investigator on a national grant awarded to CSU and (b) published at least three peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts as a senior and/or corresponding author.

Application Packet

The application packet shall consist of a curriculum vitae and copies of peer reviewed scientific manuscripts dated within the preceding five years.  Tenured faculty shall also send copies of "Notice of Awards" for national grants awarded to CSU active within the preceding 5 years.  Application shall indicate consent to abide by the membership criteria and requirements.  Please submit application materials to Dr. Anton A. Komar, Director of GRHD.

Mailing Address
Center for Gene Regulation in Health and Disease (GRHD)
2121 Euclid Avenue, SR 259
Cleveland, OH 44115

Campus Location
2351 Euclid Avenue
Science and Research Building, Room 259
Phone: (216) 687-2516
Fax: (216) 687-5549