Frequently Asked Questions

The following are a few of our students' most frequently asked questions. Please refer to the Resident Handbook for all policies and procedures. If you do not find the answer to your question, please send us an email

Contracts & Leasing Questions

Q: How can I pay my room and board fees? 

A: All fees are posted to your student account. Check your CampusNet Account for your fees. Our office will accept a check or money order only for your application fee or security deposit. We do not accept cash. Other fees are paid through your CampusNet account.

Q: Will you send me a bill each month for rent?

A: No. You will be responsible for paying your housing fees on time by the beginning of each semester. Students may also register for CSU’s budget payment plan by contacting Campus 411.

All housing fees must be paid before you may move in to your on-campus room.  Please contact Campus 411 for any questions regarding financial aid, scholarships, loans, and the Budget Payment Plan to satisfy your housing balance.

Q: Can I sublet my apartment? 

A: No, you may not. If you want to be released from your housing contract, please please complete a Contract Cancellation Request Form via Housing Self-Service. A contract cancelation penalty may apply. Please note that complete a request does not guarantee approval.

Q: How much did I pay in a security deposit? What is that used for, and when do I get I back? 

A: Your $200 housing deposit has been set aside on your account until the termination of your contract(s). After the termination of your contract(s), your deposit may be applied to any damage charges or cleaning fees assessed, as well as any outstanding balances on your CSU student account. If there is a credit remaining on your account, a credit will be issued to your student account. Refunds will be issued following the Bursar's Office refund policy

What's in my room?

Q: What size is the bed in my room?

A: Most rooms in Euclid Commons are private bedrooms with Full XL beds; there are a limited number of shared bedrooms in Euclid Commons that have Twin XL beds. The Langston and The Edge have Full XL beds.

Q: Is there furniture, closets, bathroom(s) in my unit?

A: Every unit in Euclid Commons, The Edge, and The Langston comes furnished with a bed, bedframe, desk with chair, dresser drawers, and closet for each resident.  Additional furniture is provided in the common area, including at least a couch and entertainment stand/table. *The Langston does not provide a desk and desk chair.

Euclid Commons Residents have one bathroom to share with one other resident.  Euclid Commons units have full kitchens with oven-stove, refrigerator, microwave, sink, and dishwasher. 

The Edge and The Langston residents have their own individual bathroom. 

What can I have in my room? 

Here is a suggested Move-In Packing List, as well as common questions.

Q: Can I bring a mini-fridge? 

A: You may have in your room a refrigerator with a capacity not to exceed five (5) amps, and no taller than three (3) feet in height. 

Q: What other appliances can I bring with me? 

A: Please review the full policy on appliances here. You must operate all appliances in a safe manner at all times. Appliance use which results in the sounding of the smoke alarm or fire alarm will be considered to be unsafe. 

All electrical appliances in use in the residence hall must have the Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL) approval. 

For those rooms without a kitchenette, you may possess and use a small microwave oven with no more than nine hundred (900) watts.  

Q: What items should I leave at home? 

A: Click here for an infographic. (For more see: Prohibited Items

Q: Am I allowed to have a pet? 

A: You are not permitted to have a pet in your room, except for fish in a single aquarium with a capacity of no more than ten (10) gallons. Only one such aquarium is permitted in each room regardless of the number of individuals assigned to the room. You are required to unplug any and all electrical aquarium accessories during times that the residence hall is closed and/or during break periods when you have not been granted permission to reside during a break period. Residence life staff are not responsible for caring for fish left in a unit during a break period. (For more see: Animals) 

Q: I want to have my bike on campus, can I keep it in my room? 

A: You may bring bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards, and scooters to campus (except as noted in the paragraph below). Please review the full bike/etc. policy here

Q: Can I bring curtains for my room? 

A: Each room has blinds installed; however, you may bring curtains if you wish. Please note that no items, signs, window clings, sticky notes, or posters may be displayed in or on the residential windows in such a way that they are visible from outside the building, and should not hinder the view of emergency personnel in identifying the source of a fire. This applies if you wish to use flags, tapestries, towels, etc. as curtains in your room. 

Q: Can I post things on my windows or hallway door? 

A: You are not permitted to display any item on your room door or main unit door (a door that faces the hallway) which includes obscenity or which violates Residence Life’s harassment policy (See Harassment). Please refer to the fire safety and door policies for what items are permitted on your door. No items, signs, window clings, sticky notes, or posters may be displayed in or on the residential windows in such a way that they are visible from outside the building, and should not hinder the view of emergency personnel in identifying the source of a fire. 

Who can come to visit me? 

Q: Am I allowed to have guests visit? 

A: Yes.  As the host, you must sign in and sign out your guest(s) each and every time they enter or exit the building. You must show your CSU ID to the community desk attendant and your guest(s) must relinquish a state-issued ID or a valid CSU ID to the community desk while a guest in the residence hall. 

A Viking Card is considered valid if the person is a current student at Cleveland State University. A valid State ID will be required for all other guests.  

Q: I have a guest who has a passport. Can they use that to be checked-in? 

A: A special guest pass may be issued to individuals needing to check-in with either a) a passport, b) military ID, or c) international ID by a member of staff. To obtain a special guest pass during business hours, you should go to the Euclid Commons Residence Life Office. To obtain a special guest pass after business hours, contact the Community Front Desk. 

Q: Can my guest be checked-in with a photo ID from another school? 

A: No, we are unable to permit guests to check in with an ID from another school.  

Q: How many guests can I have at a time? 

A: You are not permitted to host more than two (2) guests at the same time and are limited to a total of six (6) guests within a twenty-four (24) hour period.  An exception may be made by the Residence Life staff if the guests are family members and/or if there is a special event occurring on campus (Commencement, Little Sibs Weekend, etc.) You should communicate with your roommates to ensure that you are not exceeding room capacity, as it is a fire hazard. See the Room Capacity policy for more information.  

Q: How long can my guests stay? 

A: Guests are permitted to stay fewer than three (3) nights in any seven (7) day period. (For more information, see Cohabitation.) 

If you or your roommate(s) wish to have an overnight guest stay in your room, you need to agree to the date, manner, and duration of the stay in advance. You and/or your roommate(s) may not displace the other(s) as a result of a guest’s overnight stay.  If one roommate does not agree to the other having guests, then guests are not permitted in that room. 

Q:  I want to hang out with friends outside of my room. Are there places in the building we can go to? 

A: You and your guests are allowed in all common areas. Common areas include all lounges, game rooms, laundry rooms, community kitchens (Fenn Tower only), outdoor courtyards, and hallways within Euclid Commons and Fenn Tower. Residents and guests are expected to abide by all residence hall policies when using common areas. All non- residents must be checked in as guests in order to be present in common areas. Sleeping in common areas is prohibited. 

Q:  Where should my guests park when they come to visit? 

A: Please visit this link for specific information about visitor parking. 

How do I…? 

Q: Change my meal plan? 

A: Meal Plan Change requests must be submitted online. During the first week of class each semester, students are permitted to change their meal plan to any qualifying plan, including from Block to Traditional and vice versa. For the fall semester, you may change your meal plan selection with no financial penalty on or before August 30, 2021. For the spring semester, you may change your meal plan selection with no financial penalty on or before January 17, 2022. 

After the specified dates for each semester, meal plan changes are limited to upgrades to plans with more meals. Block plan holders can only upgrade to block plans, and traditional plan holders can only upgrade to traditional plans after the deadline. 

Q: Get a parking pass? 

A: You can contact CSU Parking Services or visit their website

Q: Move – In? 

A: For expectations of what you need to complete prior to moving in please keep an eye on your email. You can also see our page on Move-In for specific details. 

Q: Request a room change? 

A: The Department of Residence Life does not grant any room change requests during the first two (2) weeks of each semester as a means of encouraging newly-assigned roommates to make a sincere effort to live together in a mutually respectful environment. 

Residents wishing to change rooms during the school year may do so during any of three-room change periods; after the two-week room freeze at the beginning of each semester and before the end of the fall semester. A resident requesting a room change must complete a Room Change Request form and submit it to their Resident Director. Further information regarding room changes will be provided prior to the room change periods. You may be required to participate in a mediation or meeting with a member of the Professional Staff prior to any room change being made. Room changes are made at the discretion of Residence Life Staff. 

In the event of an emergency, room changes will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If you relocate within your suite or the residence hall without the prior written permission of the Director of Residence Life or a designee, you will be assessed a $500 fee and be subject to additional judicial action depending on the circumstances. 

You are not permitted to effect a change in room or bed assignment or roommates without the prior written approval of the Department of Residence Life. You are also prohibited from occupying all or part of any vacant bed space within your unit. 

Q: Contact my RA? 

A: If you are unsure of who your RA is, you can email your Resident Director and they will let you know. If you know who your RA is, you can ask them the best way to contact them (usually they respond to email first).  

Q: Pay my bill/rent? 

A: If you have questions about paying your bill or your account charges, please contact our Bookkeeper. 

Q: Find my mailing address? 

A: Please be sure that you use your full name and include your room number when getting mail sent to campus.  

Euclid Commons Residents:
[Your Full Name] 
2450 Euclid Ave EC [your room number] 
Cleveland, OH 44115 

Q: Pick up a package/mail?  

A: All mail is delivered to our Euclid Commons Residence Life Office. Members of our staff sort the mail each business day and distribute it between both buildings. Individual mail is placed in mailboxes by the turnstiles in Euclid Commons each business day. Use your mail key for access. 

Mail is delivered once per day, Monday-Friday. If you receive a package, an email will be sent to you indicating it may be picked up from the Euclid Commons north desk. You may claim your package with proper identification 24 hours a day from the Euclid Commons North Desk. (Note: Some delivery companies may email you indicating the package is delivered, however, it may not be ready to be picked up in our office yet. Our staff needs time to sort and log in all packages. Please refrain from coming to the desk to pick up a package until you get an email from Notifii/our department saying your package is ready.) 

Packages that are not picked up after 30 days may be returned to the sender. Upon moving out, residents are responsible for having their mail forwarded. Any mail received in your name after you check out will be returned to the sender. 

If you order food or other types of deliveries, you are required to accept such delivery in the lobby of the residence hall. Delivery persons are not permitted on residential floors and members of the Residence Life staff are not permitted to accept deliveries on behalf of residents or guests except for floral or special mail deliveries. Floral deliveries and special mail deliveries (commercial mail carriers like Federal Express) will be accepted at the Department of Residence Life in Euclid Commons.   

Q: Get permission to advertise/hang posters for my organization in the halls? 

A: For specific information and guidelines for advertising in the halls, please review the Sales and Solicitation policy. If you’d like to submit a poster or flyer for approval, please email the Department of Residence Life. 

Q: Do my laundry? 

A: All residence halls have commercial quality washers and dryers which are maintained by the Department of Residence Life for use by residents only. Euclid Commons has laundry rooms spread throughout the building. Washers and dryers are free to use but you must provide your own laundry detergent.  

What do I do if…? 

Q:  I forgot my keys or I’m locked out of the building? 

A: If you are locked out of your room and/or have forgotten your Viking Card, you must contact the community desk in your residence hall for assistance. There is a five dollar ($5.00) fee assessed per incident. Residence Life staff members are not permitted to unlock a room for anyone other than its registered occupant(s). 

Q: I lost my keys/student ID? 

A: If you lose your mailbox and/or room key, you are required to report it immediately to the Department of Residence Life. You will be assessed applicable fees for key and/or lock replacement. If you lose your Viking Card during a time that the Viking Card Office is closed, you may go to your community desk and the Desk Assistant will contact a staff member who will assist you in obtaining a temporary access card.  

Q: I don’t get along with my roommate? 

A: Talking with your roommate is a good first step to resolving conflict. For support, and ideas on how to have these conversations, you should reach out to your RA.  

Q: Something in my room is broken or needs to be fixed? 

A: You should fill out an online work order by using the link in your RoomPact Account. The maintenance staff will respond to the request within two business days. Failure to file a timely maintenance request may result in further inconvenience and/or delays in the repair. 

For emergency maintenance concerns, such as loss of electric power or extensive flooding, etc., immediately contact your residence hall community desk. 

Q: I want to move out and cancel my contract? 

A: Please refer to the terms of the Cleveland State University Residence Hall Contract for more information.  

Q: There are pests (ants, mice, etc.) in my room? 

A: In the event that an encounter with pests does occur you should submit a work order immediately. For information about how to prevent pests, visit our Cleaning Guide

Q:  I feel lonely, homesick, or stressed? 

A: Feeling this way is completely normal! You can always reach out to your RA for support. You can also speak with someone from the Counseling & Academic Success Center to help you strategize some ways to help. 

Q:  I feel stressed and want some additional support? 

A: As a student, you always have access to CSU’s Counseling Center. If you feel hopeless or helpless, don’t hesitate to call us or use one of their crisis resources: 

Crisis Text Line: Text 4hope to 741-741 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 

Frontline Services: 216-623-6888 

Q:  I’m not feeling well? 

A: If you aren’t feeling well you can make an appointment at CSU’s Health & Wellness Services. In cases of emergencies, please dial 911. 

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2450 Euclid Avenue, EC 198
Cleveland , Ohio 44115-2214

Campus Location
Euclid Commons, Room 198
2450 Euclid Ave. (North Entrance)
Phone: 216-687-5196
Fax: 216-687-5156

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM