Guidelines on PI Accounts

Definition and Purpose of the PI Account

The PI account is set up as an operating account with a unique project ID assigned for each faculty member who holds a grant accruing Indirect Cost (IDC). The purpose of PI account is to help support the research related activities with primary focus on securing additional externally sponsored research grants generating IDC. The research activities include but not limited to conducting research projects, writing grant applications, providing research training to students, supporting research related travel and research collaborations.

PI Account Management

  • The PI account is funded by the allocated percentage of recovered IDC based on the approved formula of IDC distribution. The existing formula of IDC redistribution can be found here.
  • The PI account may be funded by residual income.  The policy can be found here.
  • Movement of any other funds, which are not IDC-derived, to the PI account is not permitted.
  • The PI is solely responsible for the PI account and can use the funds for allowable research expenses (see below).
  • Staff members and emeritus faculty are not eligible for a PI account, even if they serve as PIs or Co-PIs on the grant.
  • When the PI separates from the university (as result of resignation or retirement), the balance in the PI account is returned to the Office of Research to invest in research growth. When the PI indicates that they plan to leave the university, any expenses to be paid from the PI account will require approval from the Provost, with support from the college dean.

Allowable Expenses on the PI Account:

  • Research equipment, consumable materials and supplies.
  • Publication cost.
  • Fees for laboratory analyses and services.
  • Computer hardware and software, (procurement must be coordinated with IS&T).
  • Research equipment purchases or maintenance costs.
  • Student stipends, tuition, and health insurance.
  • Hourly student salaries.
  • Research trainee salary and benefits.
  • Research related travel for the PI, students or research trainee in order to present at professional meetings.
  • Expenses for PI, students, or research trainee to attend professional research, training, or educational activities.
  • Teaching course buyout (faculty base salary rate will be applied plus benefits; must be approved by department chair and college dean).
  • Travel of PI and trainee to conduct research projects.
  • Professional Membership Fees
  • Professional Subscription Fees
  • Faculty Summer salary (see the rules below).
  • Mandatory cost-share.
  • An administrative fee for grants.

*PI account expenses must follow CSU general policy on allowable expenses.

Faculty Summer Salary Paid by the PI Account

Use of the PI account for faculty summer salary will be monitored by the Office of Research. The PI must submit a one-page request that briefly describes planned research activities, such as generating new data, writing the manuscript, writing grant proposals etc., and the expected outcomes to the Office of Research. The request will be reviewed by the Office of Research. The request needs to be approved by AVP for Research before submitting the summer contract.

Carry-Over of IDC Discretionary Funds

PI accounts carryover from year-to-year.  However, it is the intent that such IDC funds are re-invested into efforts to grow research.  The maximum amount that may be retained year-to-year is $150,000.  If the amount is expected to exceed the limit, the holder of the account must provide the VP for Research with a detailed written explanation of the need to retain such an amount.   Failure to do so within 60 days after the end of the previous fiscal year will result in the balance of more than $150,000 being swept to the Office of Research to invest in research growth.

Mailing Address
Sponsored Programs and Research Services
2121 Euclid Avenue
Parker Hannifin Hall, 2nd Floor
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Parker Hannifin Hall, 2nd Floor
2258 Euclid Avenue
Fax: 216.687.9382