Frequently Asked Questions

Below, you will find questions that are relevant to Sponsored Programs & Research Services. If your question is not answered or you would like more information on a topic, please contact one of our staff members.

General FAQ

1. What are your office hours and where are you located?
Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m, Monday through Friday.
SPRS is located in the Parker Hannifin Hall, 2nd Floor, 2258 Euclid Avenue.

2. What is the contact information for your office?

Mailing Address:
Sponsored Programs and Research Services
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, Parker Hannifin Hall, 2nd Floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214

Contact Information:

3. Who are your staff members?

Manager, Pre-AwardsAmy
Pre-Award ManagerPatricia
Assistant Director, Post AwardLeah
Senior AccountantNicole
Senior AccountantNicole
Program Manager, Pre-AwardBernidean
Grant Operations CoordinatorAngela
Grant Operations CoordinatorTonita
Administrative AssistantKaitlyn

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Proposals FAQ

1. How can I find deadlines for grant programs?
Federal Funding Opportunities can be found at Most federal agencies have posted program deadlines on their agency website. State, local and other funders' deadlines can be found either via the Web.

2. What assistance is available to help with proposal writing?

Please visit our Proposal Writing Guidance webpage.

3. What CSU documentation do I need in order to submit a proposal? 
The following information is required for CSU proposal submissions, which are submitted through the Cayuse GM system:

  • Conflict of Interest form for PI and all named Co-PIs REQUIRED
  • Budget REQUIRED
  • Budget Justification REQUIRED
  • Proposal or Project Abstract REQUIRED
  • Routing Signatures for PI, Chair, Fiscal Officer, and Dean REQUIRED

4. How far in advance of the deadline does SPRS need the proposal?
SPRS must receive the proposal, submission-ready, at least five (5) business days prior to the submission deadline to review the proposal.

5. Who can help me with my proposal budget? 
Your College Fiscal Officer or Department Administrator can assist.

6. What are CSU's government districts?
See our Fact Sheet.

7. What is CSU's IRS Tax Identification Number (also called EIN)?

8. What is the University's Indirect Cost (a.k.a. "Facilities and Administrative" or "Overhead" or "F&A") Rate?
For current rates, see our Fact Sheet.

For most Federal projects, the base is Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC). This includes all costs with the exception of:

  • equipment (a single item above $5,000)
  • capital expenditures,
  • charges for patient care,
  • tuition remission,
  • rental costs of off-site facilities,
  • scholarships or fellowships, and
  • the portion of sub-awards (subcontracts) past the first $25,000.

The other most common cost base type is Total Direct Costs (TDC). This simply means that all costs are in the base (and therefore subject to the indirect cost percentage).

9. What are the University's fringe benefit rates?
For current rates, see our Fact Sheet. For budgeting purposes, these rates can be increased by 0.5% each budget period.

10. What is the difference between a Gift and a Grant?
Private funds supporting specific research projects may be categorized as gifts or grants depending upon the conditions of the award. In general, a gift is awarded irrevocably by an individual or organization to the University without specific expectations and without contractual obligations imposed upon the University. This means there is no specific work plan, reporting requirements, specific budget, or project dates. A grant mechanism, however, binds the University to a specific task (scope of work or proposal), terms and conditions, project dates, budget, and reporting requirements.

11. When I have a proposal for a corporation or a foundation, do I work with SPRS or with the Division of University Advancement?
When the project can be defined as a grant, work through the SPRS. A grant is defined as a project with goals and objectives with a deliverable product or service, a defined budget, and a beginning/ending period. Gifts, scholarships, endowments, and gift proposals to foundations are handled by the Division of University Advancement. For further information regarding a potential gift, please contact Julie Rittenhouse, Director, Corporate and Foundation Relations, in the University Advancement office.

12. What are the "Coordinated Foundations" and how do I submit proposals to these foundations?
The five "Coordinated Foundations" are:

  1. The Cleveland Foundation
  2. The George Gund Foundation
  3. The Kulas Foundation
  4. The John P. Murphy Foundation
  5. The Martha Holden Jennings Foundation

Proposal submission to these five foundations is coordinated by the Division of University Advancement which must review them before SPRS is involved. SPRS will not review any proposals to these foundations without evidence of Advancement's prior approval (which may involve Presidential approval). If you plan to submit a proposal to one of these foundations, please contact SPRS well in advance for guidance.

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Awards and Grants Administration FAQ

1. What documentation is required to establish a grant account for my funded project?
Two conditions must be met before a grant account will be established, as follows:

  • Condition One: Receipt of valid Award Documentation.
  • Condition Two: Receipt of all Required Documentation.

One item from Column A and all items from Column B are necessary to establish an account:

Column A - Award DocumentationColumn B - Required Documentation
1An Award Letter or Check from Sponsor1Original, Fully-Executed Proposal Transmittal Form
2A Fully-Executed Contract from Sponsor2Conflict of Interest Form
3A Notice of Grant Award from Sponsor3Budget
4A Fully-Executed Subcontract with another university4Budget Justification
5Fully-Signed IPAF for an Advance Account5Narrative Proposal
  6IRB/IACUC Approvals (as required)

2. How do I purchase equipment?
All equipment purchases (items costing $5,000 or more with a usable life of at least one year), must be made via the Department of Purchasing Services at CSU.

3. Where can I find per diem and mileage rates?
Please visit the website of the Controller's Office.

4. How do I re-budget funds in my sponsored program account?
Please visit our Policies page. Scroll to the bottom for the relevant procedure and required IPAF form.

5. Where do I get Release Time and other CSU-internal sponsored program forms?
Please visit our Forms page.

6. How do I hire on my grant?
Please visit our page about Hiring on Grants and Startups.

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Mailing Address
Sponsored Programs and Research Services
2121 Euclid Avenue
Parker Hannifin Hall, 2nd Floor
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Parker Hannifin Hall, 2nd Floor
2258 Euclid Avenue
Fax: 216.687.9382