Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedures

The Policy on Academic Misconduct outlines and specifies the importance of maintaining academic integrity and outlines many forms of academic dishonesty. Some examples of academic dishonesty include cheating, bribery, fabrication, misrepresentation, plagiarism, and unauthorized collaboration. Per the Policy, students can be charged for committing these acts or facilitating another student in committing these acts.

While anyone can report an incident of academic misconduct, the faculty member of the impacted course will lead the investigation and determine the appropriate level of infraction. In the event of a more extreme infraction, the investigation may be led by the appropriate department chair, dean, or the provost.

Types of Infractions

Minor Infraction: “instances of academic misconduct on an individual assessment which comprises less than twenty percent of the overall course grade. Two or more instances of minor infractions within a course or across courses constitute a major infraction.”

Major Infraction: “instances of academic misconduct on an individual class assessment which comprises twenty percent or more of the overall course grade. Two or more instances of minor infractions within a course or across courses constitute a major infraction. The second minor infraction will result in a major infraction in the second course if both minor infractions did not happen in the same course.”

Program Infraction: “instances of cheating which affect the integrity of the student’s degree program. Examples include– but are not limited to– committing academic misconduct on capstone projects, theses, dissertations, portfolios, clinical activities, internships, and externships, or committing academic misconduct in more than one course essential to degree program completion. Other examples include falsifying documents or providing doctored transcripts.”

Both students and faculty members reserve the right to appeal decisions and sanctions related to an academic misconduct case.

For more information on Academic Misconduct procedures, click here.

Mailing Address
2121 Euclid Avenue
Student Center room 319
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216-687-2048