General Education Program
Campus Location
Office of Instructional Excellence
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 223
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Arts & Humanities (GenEd08)
2 courses (from 2 different departments)
Minimum 6 credits
- Each course must be a minimum of 3 hours.
- At least one of these courses, or one of the approved Social Sciences courses, must be focused on Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Middle East.
Category | Subject | Course | Skill Areas | Effective |
AH | Art and Design | ART 252 Caves to Cathedrals: Europe* | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | Art and Design | ART 252H Honors Caves to Cathedrals: Europe* | Critical Thinking, Writing | SP14 |
AH | Art and Design | ART 253 Michelangelo to Monet: Europe* | Critical Thinking, Writing | FA14 |
AH | Art and Design | Art 253H H: Michelangelo to Monet - Honors | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | Comparative Religion | REL 231 Introduction to the Old Testament | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | Comparative Religion | REL 232 Jesus and the Gospels | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | Comparative Religion | REL 235H Origins of the Christian Religion - Honors | Critical Thinking, Writing | SP09 |
AH | Comparative Religion | REL 237 The New Testament as Literature | FA25 | |
AH | Comparative Religion | REL 245 Religion in America | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | Comparative Religion | REL 260 Women and Religion | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | Comparative Religion | REL 280 Comparative Mythology: Europe* | Critical Thinking, Writing | SP12 |
AH | Dance | DAN 201 Introduction to Dance | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | Dance | DAN 211 Dance History | Critical Thinking, Writing | FA17 |
AH | Dance | DAN 212H Dance: Power, Art & Movement | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | Education CSUTeach | EUT 210 Perspectives in Mathematics and Science | Critical Thinking, Writing, Oral Communication | FA12 |
AH | English | ENG 150 Creative Writing, Reading, and Thinking | Critical Thinking, Writing, Group Work | FA24 |
AH | English | ENG 203 Creative Writing, Creative Storytelling | Critical Thinking, Writing | SP10 |
AH | English | ENG 221 British Literature I | Writing, Oral Communication | FA20 |
AH | English | ENG 222 British Literature II | Writing, Oral Communication | FA20 |
AH | English | ENG 231 American Literature I | Writing, Oral Communication | FA20 |
AH | English | ENG 232 American Literature II | Writing, Oral Communication | FA20 |
AH | English | ENG 240 Introduction to Poetry | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | English | ENG 240H H:Introduction to Poetry Honors | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | English | ENG 241 Reading and Telling Stories | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | English | ENG 242 Introduction to Drama | Critical Thinking, Writing | FA14 |
AH | Film & Media Arts | FMA 141 Analysis of Film Language | Critical Thinking, Writing | FA18 |
AH | History | HIS 101 Western Civilization I: Europe* | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | History | HIS 102 Western Civilization II: Europe* | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | History | HIS 111 United States History to 1877 | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | History | HIS 111H H:US History to 1877 | Writing, Oral Communication | FA12 |
AH | History | HIS 112 United States History Since 1877 | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | History | HIS 230H Turning Points in Ancient and Medieval History: Europe* | Writing, Oral Communication | SP12 |
AH | History | HIS 243H Disease and Public Health in Premodern Europe: Europe* | Writing, Oral Communication | FA16 |
AH | Linguistics | LIN 220 Introduction to Language and Linguistics I | FA25 | |
AH | Music | MUS 111 The Enjoyment of Music | Information Literacy, Writing | |
AH | Music | MUS 151 Jazz Survey | Oral Communication, Writing | |
AH | Music | MUS 161 Roots of Rock and Soul | Information Literacy, Writing | |
AH | Music | MUS 260H Honors: The Performing Arts in Cleveland | Critical Thinking | SP09 |
AH | Music | MUS 261H H: The Evolution of Western Popular Music - Honors | Critical Thinking | |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 101 Introduction to Philosophy | Writing, Oral Communication | FA15 |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 111 Meaning and Happiness | FA25 | |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 121 Critical Thinking | Critical Thinking, Group Work | FA21 |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 122 What Do We Owe Nature? | FA25 | |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 175 Philosophy of Happiness | Critical Thinking, Writing | FA10 |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 211 Morals and Rights | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 213H Environmental Ethics - Honors | Critical Thinking, Writing | SP09 |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 215 Technology Ethics | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 216 AI & Data Ethics | Critical Thinking, Writing | FA22 |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 220 Sci-fi, Tech, and Human Nature: Europe* | Critical Thinking, Writing | SP10 |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 225H Utopias, Dystopias, and Human Nature - Honors | Critical Thinking, Writing | FA11 |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 240 Healthcare Ethics | Critical Thinking, Group Work | |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 264 Introduction to Political Philosophy | Critical Thinking, Writing | FA18 |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 283 Introduction to Ethics: Europe* | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | Theatre | THE 111 Introduction to Theatre | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH | Urban Studies | UST 201 Building Cleveland: Architecture, Planning, and Society | Writing, Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | SP22 |
AH | Urban Studies | UST 250 The City in Film | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | SP09 |
AH | World Languages, Literatures and Cultures | WLC 255 Western European Film: Europe* | Critical Thinking, Writing | SP09 |
Arts & Humanities Focused on Africa, Asia, Latin America, or the Middle East (AALAME)
Category | Subject | Course | Skill Areas | Effective |
AH AALAME | Africana Studies | AST 175 Introduction to African History | Critical Thinking, Writing | FA22 |
AH AALAME | Anthropology | ANT 103 Rise/Fall of Civilizations: Africa, Middle East, Latin America | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | SP09 |
AH AALAME | Anthropology | ANT 171 Native Civilizations of the Americas: Latin America | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | FA12 |
AH AALAME | Arabic | ARB 274 Introduction to the Middle East: Middle East | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH AALAME | Art and Design | ART 281 Asian Art: Mother Goddess to Floating World: Asia | Critical Thinking, Oral Communication | |
AH AALAME | Art and Design | ART 286 African Art: Ancestral Altars to Galleries: Africa | Information Literacy, Writing | |
AH AALAME | Comparative Religion | REL 101 Understanding Religion: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH AALAME | Comparative Religion | REL 239 The Bible & History | FA25 | |
AH AALAME | Comparative Religion | REL 268 Religion and Culture in Africa: Africa | Critical Thinking, Writing | FA15 |
AH AALAME | Comparative Religion | REL 275 Introduction to the Middle East | Critical Thinking, Writing | SP19 |
AH AALAME | Comparative Religion | REL 276 Eastern Religions: Asia | Critical Thinking, Writing | FA10 |
AH AALAME | English | ENG 201 Global Ways of Being | FA25 | |
AH AALAME | English | ENG 204 World Literature: Africa, Asia, Latin America | Critical Thinking, Writing | SP09 |
AH AALAME | History | HIS 103 Ancient World History to 1300 C.E. | FA25 | |
AH AALAME | History | HIS 165 Introduction to Latin American History: Latin America | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH AALAME | History | HIS 175 Introduction to African History: Africa | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH AALAME | History | HIS 185 Survey of Middle Eastern History: Middle East | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH AALAME | History | HIS 195 Introduction to East Asian History: Asia | Critical Thinking, Writing | SP09 |
AH AALAME | History | HIS 274 Introduction to the Middle East: Middle East | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH AALAME | Music | MUS 262 Non-Western Popular Music: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East | Oral Communication, Writing | |
AH AALAME | Music | MUS 263 Black Music of Two Worlds: Africa, Latin America | Oral Communication, Writing | |
AH AALAME | Philosophy | PHL 114 The Problem of Suffering | FA25 | |
AH AALAME | Philosophy | PHL 255 Non-Western Philosophy: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH AALAME | Philosophy | PHL 262 Medieval Philosophy: Europe* | Critical Thinking, Writing | SP09 (AH); FA20 (AALAME) |
AH AALAME | Political Science | PSC 274 Introduction to the Middle East: Middle East | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH AALAME | Urban Studies | UST 206 Global Cities | FA25 | |
AH AALAME | World Languages, Literatures and Cultures | WLC 204 World Literature: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH AALAME | World Languages, Literatures and Cultures | WLC 215 Languages of the World | Writing, Oral Communication | SP24 |
AH AALAME | World Languages, Literatures and Cultures | WLC 235 Arab Film: Africa, Asia, Middle East | Critical Thinking, Writing | SP09 |
AH AALAME | World Languages, Literatures and Cultures | WLC 265 Francophone Literature in Translation: Africa, Caribbean | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
AH AALAME | World Languages, Literatures and Cultures | WLC 284 Arab Civilization and Culture: Africa, Middle East | Critical Thinking, Writing | FA14 |
Previously Approved Arts and Humanities
Category | Subject | Course | Effective |
AH | Art and Design | ART 140 The Art of the Comic | SP09-SU14 |
AH | Classical and Medieval Studies | CLM 230H Turning Points in Ancient and Medieval History | SP12-FA25 |
AH | Communication | COM 221 Introduction to Film | Until FA18 |
AH | Comparative Religion | REL 227 Science and Belief | SP09-SP20 |
AH | Comparative Religion | REL 233 Paul and the Development of Christianity | SP09-FA12 |
AH | Comparative Religion | REL 234 The Later New Testament | SP09-FA12 |
AH | Comparative Religion | REL 236 Introduction to the New Testament | FA10-FA21 |
AH | Comparative Religion | REL 265 Religion and Culture | Until SU23 |
AH | English | ENG 206 Literature and American Culture | Until SU19 |
AH | English | ENG 241H H: Introduction to Fiction Honors | SP09-FA24 |
AH | English | ENG 271 Shakespeare and Film | SP09-SP20 |
AH | English | ENG 280 Classical Literature in Translation: Europe* | FA08-SU14 |
AH | History | HIS 110 United States History Survey | FA08-SU14 |
AH | History | HIS 201H Honors Urban America: Last Half of the 20th Century | FA08-SU14 |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 120 Reasoning and Argument | SP11-FA21 |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 130 Introduction to Logic | FA08-SU13 |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 171 Introduction to Philosophy | FA08-FA16 |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 181 Historical Introduction to Philosophy: Europe | FA08-FA16 |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 213 Environmental Ethics | SP09-SU14 |
AH | Philosophy | PHL 263 Modern Philosophy | Until FA25 |
AH | Theatre | THE 230 Women in Theatre | FA12-FA22 |
AH | Theatre | THE 211 History of The Theatre I | FA25 |
AH | Urban Studies | UST 215 Human Systems and the Origins of Global Warming | SP22-FA24 |
AH | World Languages, Literatures and Cultures | WLC 201 Words: Introduction to Etymology | FA11-SU19 |
AH | World Languages, Literatures and Cultures | WLC 230/330 Gods, Heroes, and Ritual | FA09-SU19 |
Previously Approved Arts and Humanities
Focused on Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Middle East
Category | Subject | Course | Effective |
AH AALAME | History | HIS 271 Empire's End: British Asia | SP12-SU14 |
AH AALAME | History | HIS 271H Empire's End: British Asia | FA09-SU14 |
AH AALAME | History | HIS 272H Cultural Interactions: Japan - Honors: Asia | SP11-SU14 |
AH AALAME | Honors | HON 250 Indian Ecocriticism: Asia | Only SP11 |
AH AALAME | World Languages, Literatures and Cultures | WLC 278 Gender Boundaries and Sexuality in the Arab World: Africa, Middle East | FA14-SU19 |
*Previously an Arts and Humanities course focused on a society other than the US, which was a requirement from Fall 2008 to Spring 2018.
Campus Location
Office of Instructional Excellence
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 223
Cleveland, Ohio 44115