Arts & Humanities (GenEd08)

2 courses (from 2 different departments)
Minimum 6 credits

  1. Each course must be a minimum of 3 hours.
  2. At least one of these courses, or one of the approved Social Sciences courses, must be focused on Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Middle East.
CategorySubjectCourseSkill AreasEffective
AHArt and DesignART 252 Caves to Cathedrals: Europe*Critical Thinking, Writing 
AHArt and DesignART 252H Honors Caves to Cathedrals: Europe* Critical Thinking, WritingSP14
AHArt and DesignART 253 Michelangelo to Monet: Europe*Critical Thinking, WritingFA14
AHArt and DesignArt 253H H: Michelangelo to Monet - HonorsCritical Thinking, Writing 
AHComparative ReligionREL 231 Introduction to the Old TestamentCritical Thinking, Writing 
AHComparative ReligionREL 232 Jesus and the GospelsCritical Thinking, Writing 
AHComparative ReligionREL 235H Origins of the Christian Religion - HonorsCritical Thinking, WritingSP09
AHComparative ReligionREL 237 The New Testament as Literature FA25
AHComparative ReligionREL 245 Religion in AmericaCritical Thinking, Writing 
AHComparative ReligionREL 260 Women and ReligionCritical Thinking, Writing 
AHComparative ReligionREL 280 Comparative Mythology: Europe*Critical Thinking, WritingSP12
AHDanceDAN 201 Introduction to DanceCritical Thinking, Writing 
AHDanceDAN 211 Dance HistoryCritical Thinking, WritingFA17
AHDanceDAN 212H Dance: Power, Art & MovementCritical Thinking, Writing 
AHEducation CSUTeachEUT 210 Perspectives in Mathematics and ScienceCritical Thinking, Writing, Oral CommunicationFA12
AHEnglishENG 150 Creative Writing, Reading, and ThinkingCritical Thinking, Writing, Group WorkFA24
AHEnglishENG 203 Creative Writing, Creative StorytellingCritical Thinking, WritingSP10
AHEnglishENG 221 British Literature IWriting, Oral CommunicationFA20
AHEnglishENG 222 British Literature IIWriting, Oral CommunicationFA20
AHEnglishENG 231 American Literature IWriting, Oral CommunicationFA20
AHEnglishENG 232 American Literature IIWriting, Oral CommunicationFA20
AHEnglishENG 240 Introduction to PoetryCritical Thinking, Writing 
AHEnglishENG 240H H:Introduction to Poetry HonorsCritical Thinking, Writing 
AHEnglishENG 241 Reading and Telling StoriesCritical Thinking, Writing 
AHEnglishENG 242 Introduction to DramaCritical Thinking, WritingFA14
AHFilm & Media ArtsFMA 141 Analysis of Film LanguageCritical Thinking, WritingFA18
AHHistoryHIS 101 Western Civilization I: Europe*Critical Thinking, Writing 
AHHistoryHIS 102 Western Civilization II: Europe*Critical Thinking, Writing 
AHHistoryHIS 111 United States History to 1877Critical Thinking, Writing 
AHHistoryHIS 111H H:US History to 1877Writing, Oral CommunicationFA12
AHHistoryHIS 112 United States History Since 1877Critical Thinking, Writing 
AHHistoryHIS 230H Turning Points in Ancient and Medieval History: Europe*Writing, Oral CommunicationSP12
AHHistoryHIS 243H Disease and Public Health in Premodern Europe: Europe*Writing, Oral CommunicationFA16
AHLinguisticsLIN 220 Introduction to Language and Linguistics I FA25
AHMusicMUS 111 The Enjoyment of MusicInformation Literacy, Writing 
AHMusicMUS 151 Jazz SurveyOral Communication, Writing 
AHMusicMUS 161 Roots of Rock and SoulInformation Literacy, Writing 
AHMusicMUS 260H Honors: The Performing Arts in ClevelandCritical ThinkingSP09
AHMusicMUS 261H H: The Evolution of Western Popular Music - HonorsCritical Thinking 
AHPhilosophyPHL 101 Introduction to PhilosophyWriting, Oral CommunicationFA15
AHPhilosophyPHL 111 Meaning and Happiness FA25
AHPhilosophyPHL 121 Critical ThinkingCritical Thinking, Group WorkFA21
AHPhilosophyPHL 122 What Do We Owe Nature? FA25
AHPhilosophyPHL 175 Philosophy of HappinessCritical Thinking, WritingFA10
AHPhilosophyPHL 211 Morals and RightsCritical Thinking, Writing 
AHPhilosophyPHL 213H Environmental Ethics - HonorsCritical Thinking, WritingSP09
AHPhilosophyPHL 215 Technology EthicsCritical Thinking, Writing 
AHPhilosophyPHL 216 AI & Data EthicsCritical Thinking, WritingFA22
AHPhilosophyPHL 220 Sci-fi, Tech, and Human Nature: Europe*Critical Thinking, WritingSP10
AHPhilosophyPHL 225H Utopias, Dystopias, and Human Nature - HonorsCritical Thinking, WritingFA11
AHPhilosophyPHL 240 Healthcare EthicsCritical Thinking, Group Work 
AHPhilosophyPHL 264 Introduction to Political PhilosophyCritical Thinking, WritingFA18
AHPhilosophyPHL 283 Introduction to Ethics: Europe*Critical Thinking, Writing 
AHTheatreTHE 111 Introduction to TheatreCritical Thinking, Writing 
AHUrban StudiesUST 201 Building Cleveland: Architecture, Planning, and SocietyWriting, Critical Thinking, Information LiteracySP22
AHUrban StudiesUST 250 The City in FilmCritical Thinking, Information LiteracySP09
AHWorld Languages,
Literatures and Cultures
WLC 255 Western European Film: Europe*Critical Thinking, WritingSP09


Arts & Humanities Focused on Africa, Asia, Latin America, or the Middle East (AALAME)

CategorySubjectCourseSkill AreasEffective
AH AALAMEAfricana StudiesAST 175 Introduction to African HistoryCritical Thinking, WritingFA22
AH AALAMEAnthropologyANT 103 Rise/Fall of Civilizations: Africa, Middle East, Latin AmericaCritical Thinking, Information LiteracySP09
AH AALAMEAnthropologyANT 171 Native Civilizations of the Americas: Latin AmericaCritical Thinking, Information LiteracyFA12
AH AALAMEArabicARB 274 Introduction to the Middle East: Middle EastCritical Thinking, Writing 
AH AALAMEArt and DesignART 281 Asian Art: Mother Goddess to Floating World: AsiaCritical Thinking, Oral Communication 
AH AALAMEArt and DesignART 286 African Art: Ancestral Altars to Galleries: AfricaInformation Literacy, Writing 
AH AALAMEComparative ReligionREL 101 Understanding Religion: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle EastCritical Thinking, Writing 
AH AALAMEComparative ReligionREL 239 The Bible & History FA25
AH AALAMEComparative ReligionREL 268 Religion and Culture in Africa: AfricaCritical Thinking, WritingFA15
AH AALAMEComparative ReligionREL 275 Introduction to the Middle EastCritical Thinking, WritingSP19
AH AALAMEComparative ReligionREL 276 Eastern Religions: AsiaCritical Thinking, WritingFA10
AH AALAMEEnglishENG 201 Global Ways of Being FA25
AH AALAMEEnglishENG 204 World Literature: Africa, Asia, Latin AmericaCritical Thinking, WritingSP09
AH AALAMEHistoryHIS 103 Ancient World History to 1300 C.E. FA25
AH AALAMEHistoryHIS 165 Introduction to Latin American History: Latin AmericaCritical Thinking, Writing 
AH AALAMEHistoryHIS 175 Introduction to African History: AfricaCritical Thinking, Writing 
AH AALAMEHistoryHIS 185 Survey of Middle Eastern History: Middle EastCritical Thinking, Writing 
AH AALAMEHistoryHIS 195 Introduction to East Asian History: AsiaCritical Thinking, WritingSP09
AH AALAMEHistoryHIS 274 Introduction to the Middle East: Middle EastCritical Thinking, Writing 
AH AALAMEMusicMUS 262 Non-Western Popular Music: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle EastOral Communication, Writing 
AH AALAMEMusicMUS 263 Black Music of Two Worlds: Africa, Latin AmericaOral Communication, Writing 
AH AALAMEPhilosophyPHL 114 The Problem of Suffering FA25
AH AALAMEPhilosophyPHL 255 Non-Western Philosophy: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle EastCritical Thinking, Writing 
AH AALAMEPhilosophyPHL 262 Medieval Philosophy: Europe*Critical Thinking, WritingSP09 (AH); FA20 (AALAME)
AH AALAMEPolitical SciencePSC 274 Introduction to the Middle East: Middle EastCritical Thinking, Writing 
AH AALAMEUrban StudiesUST 206 Global Cities FA25
AH AALAMEWorld Languages, Literatures
and Cultures
WLC 204 World Literature: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle EastCritical Thinking, Writing 
AH AALAMEWorld Languages, Literatures and CulturesWLC 215 Languages of the WorldWriting, Oral CommunicationSP24
AH AALAMEWorld Languages, Literatures
and Cultures
WLC 235 Arab Film: Africa, Asia, Middle EastCritical Thinking, WritingSP09
AH AALAMEWorld Languages, Literatures
and Cultures
WLC 265 Francophone Literature in Translation: Africa, CaribbeanCritical Thinking, Writing 
AH AALAMEWorld Languages, Literatures
and Cultures
WLC 284 Arab Civilization and Culture: Africa, Middle EastCritical Thinking, WritingFA14


Previously Approved Arts and Humanities

AHArt and DesignART 140 The Art of the ComicSP09-SU14
AHClassical and Medieval StudiesCLM 230H Turning Points in Ancient and Medieval HistorySP12-FA25
AHCommunicationCOM 221 Introduction to FilmUntil FA18
AHComparative ReligionREL 227 Science and BeliefSP09-SP20
AHComparative ReligionREL 233 Paul and the Development of ChristianitySP09-FA12
AHComparative ReligionREL 234 The Later New TestamentSP09-FA12
AHComparative ReligionREL 236 Introduction to the New TestamentFA10-FA21
AHComparative ReligionREL 265 Religion and CultureUntil SU23
AHEnglishENG 206 Literature and American CultureUntil SU19
AHEnglishENG 241H H: Introduction to Fiction HonorsSP09-FA24
AHEnglishENG 271 Shakespeare and FilmSP09-SP20
AHEnglishENG 280 Classical Literature in Translation: Europe*FA08-SU14
AHHistoryHIS 110 United States History SurveyFA08-SU14
AHHistoryHIS 201H Honors Urban America: Last Half of the 20th CenturyFA08-SU14
AHPhilosophyPHL 120 Reasoning and ArgumentSP11-FA21
AHPhilosophyPHL 130 Introduction to LogicFA08-SU13
AHPhilosophyPHL 171 Introduction to PhilosophyFA08-FA16
AHPhilosophyPHL 181 Historical Introduction to Philosophy: EuropeFA08-FA16
AHPhilosophyPHL 213 Environmental EthicsSP09-SU14
AHPhilosophyPHL 263 Modern PhilosophyUntil FA25
AHTheatreTHE 230 Women in TheatreFA12-FA22
AHTheatreTHE 211 History of The Theatre IFA25
AHUrban StudiesUST 215 Human Systems and the Origins of Global WarmingSP22-FA24
AHWorld Languages,
Literatures and Cultures
WLC 201 Words: Introduction to EtymologyFA11-SU19
AHWorld Languages,
Literatures and Cultures
WLC 230/330 Gods, Heroes, and RitualFA09-SU19

Previously Approved Arts and Humanities
Focused on Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Middle East

AH AALAMEHistoryHIS 271 Empire's End: British AsiaSP12-SU14
AH AALAMEHistoryHIS 271H Empire's End: British AsiaFA09-SU14
AH AALAMEHistoryHIS 272H Cultural Interactions: Japan - Honors: AsiaSP11-SU14
AH AALAMEHonorsHON 250 Indian Ecocriticism: AsiaOnly SP11
AH AALAMEWorld Languages,
Literatures and Cultures
WLC 278 Gender Boundaries and Sexuality in the Arab World: Africa, Middle EastFA14-SU19

*Previously an Arts and Humanities course focused on a society other than the US, which was a requirement from Fall 2008 to Spring 2018.

Campus Location
Office of Instructional Excellence
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 223
Cleveland, Ohio 44115