General Education Program
Campus Location
Office of Instructional Excellence
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 223
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Social Sciences (GenEd08)
2 courses (from 2 different departments)
Minimum 6 credits
- Each course must be a minimum of 3 hours.
- At least one of these courses, or one of the approved Arts and Humanities courses, must be focused on Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Middle East.
Category | Subject | Course | Skill Areas | Effective |
SS | Art and Design | ART 250 Visual Literacy | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | FA12 |
SS | Anthropology | ANT 101 Human Biocultural Evolution | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
SS | Anthropology | ANT 102 The Study of Culture | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
SS | Anthropology | ANT 220 Introduction to Language and Linguistics | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | |
SS | Anthropology | ANT 221 Introduction to Language and Linguistics II | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | FA14 |
SS | Anthropology | ANT 250 Culture Change, Diet, and Disease | Critical Thinking, Writing | SP18 |
SS | Communication | COM 101 Principles of Communication | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | |
SS | Communication | COM 211 Communicating in Personal Relationships | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
SS | Communication | COM 226 Mass Media and Society | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | |
SS | Communication | COM 227 Principles of Social Media | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | FA15 |
SS | Criminology | CRM 201 The Criminal (In?)Justice System | FA25 | |
SS | Criminology | CRM 250 Introduction to Criminology and Criminal Justice | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | |
SS | Curriculum & Instruction | EDB 202 The Inquisitive Mind of the Learner | FA25 | |
SS | Economics | ECN 201 Principles of Macroeconomics | Critical Thinking, Quantitative Literacy | |
SS | Economics | ECN 202 Principles of Microeconomics | Critical Thinking, Quantitative Literacy | |
SS | Economics | ECN 230H H: Game Theory and the Social Sciences | Critical Thinking, Quantitative Literacy | |
SS | Engineering Science | ESC 282 Engineering Economy | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, Quantitative Literacy | |
SS | Health Education | HED 210 Healthy Lifestyle Choices | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | SP19 |
SS | Health Science | HSC 180 Introduction to Gerontology | Information Literacy, Quantitative Literacy | |
SS | History | HIS 200 Introduction to Geography | FA25 | |
SS | Linguistics | LIN 221 Introduction to Language and Linguistics II | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | SP15 |
SS | Music Therapy | MTX 190 Music in Health and Wellness | FA25 | |
SS | Music Therapy | MTX 290 Introduction to Music Therapy | Writing, Oral Communication | FA23 |
SS | Occupational Therapy | OTH 130 Occupation and the College Student I (if taken with OTH 230) | Critical Thinking, Group Work | SU22 |
SS | Occupational Therapy | OTH 230 Occupation and the College Student II (if taken with OTH 130) | Critical Thinking, Group Work | SU22 |
SS | Political Science | PSC 111 American Government | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
SS | Political Science | PSC 221 Comparative Politics | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
SS | Political Science | PSC 231 International Politics | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
SS | Psychology | PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology | Critical Thinking, Quantitative Literacy | |
SS | Psychology | PSY 101H H: Introduction to Psychology - Honors | Critical Thinking, Quantitative Literacy | FA09 |
SS | Psychology | PSY 220 Child Development | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | |
SS | Psychology | PSY 221 Adolescent Psychology | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | |
SS | Social Work | SWK 200 Introduction to Social Work | Critical Thinking, Group Work | FA09 |
SS | Social Work | SWK 201 Contemporary Social Welfare | Critical Thinking, Group Work | FA09 |
SS | Sociology | SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology | Critical Thinking, Quantitative Literacy | |
SS | Sociology | SOC 201 Race, Class and Gender | FA25 | |
SS | Sociology | SOC 203 Sociology of Poverty | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
SS | Sociology | SOC 260 Deviance in the United States | Critical Thinking, Group Work | |
SS | Sociology | SOC 280H - H: Science, Technology and Society - Honors | Group Work, Writing | |
SS | Urban Studies | UST 200 Cleveland: The City | Critical Thinking, Writing | |
SS | Urban Studies | UST 205 Public Service Careers | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, Civic Engagement | FA24 |
SS | Urban Studies | UST 204 Cleveland and the World | Critical Thinking, Writing | FA20 |
SS | Urban Studies | UST 207 Ohio Government | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | FA24 |
SS | Urban Studies | UST 290 Urban Geography | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy |
Social Sciences focused on Africa, Asia, Latin America, or the Middle East (AALAME)
Category | Subject | Course | Skill Areas | Effective |
SS AALAME | Anthropology | ANT 153 Introduction to African Cultures: Africa | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | FA16 |
SS AALAME | Anthropology | ANT 275 Ancient Mysteries: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | |
SS AALAME | Communication | COM 201 Communication and Human Relationships in East Asian Societies: Asia | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | FA12 |
SS AALAME | Communication | COM 233 Bollywood & Beyond: South Asian Cinema and Social Change | Critical Thinking, Writing | FA18 |
SS AALAME | History | HIS 104 Modern World History: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | FA14 |
SS AALAME | Sociology | SOC 210 Developing Societies in a Changing World: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East | Information Literacy, Quantitative Literacy | |
SS AALAME | Sociology | SOC 222 World Population and Society: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | FA17 |
SS AALAME | Urban Studies | UST 222 World Population and Society: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East | Critical Thinking, Information Literacy | FA17 |
Previously Approved Social Sciences
Category | Subject | Course | Effective |
SS | Anthropology | ANT 227 Power, Authority and Society in Nonwestern Communities | FA08-SU14 |
SS | Anthropology | ANT 260 Language, Culture and Society | Until SU19 |
SS | Communication | COM 231 History of Television and Interactive Media | FA08-FA18 |
SS | Linguistics | LIN 220 Introduction to Language and Linguistics | Until FA25 |
SS | Linguistics | LIN 260 Language, Culture and Society | Until SU19 |
SS | Social Work | SWK 255 Community Leadership Development | FA11-SU14 |
SS | Sociology | SOC 211 American Culture and Society | FA08-SU12 |
SS | Speech and Hearing | SPH 229 Speech and Language Development | Until SP20 |
SS | Psychology | PSY 180 Introduction to Gerontology | Until SU19 |
SS | Urban | UST 240 Democracy and the City | FA08-FA14 |
SS | Urban | UST 242 Introduction to Urban Real Estate and Public Finance | SP09-FA14 |
Previously Approved Social Sciences
Focused on Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Middle East
Category | Subject | Course | Effective |
SS AALAME | Anthropology | ANT 153 Introduction to African Culture: Africa | FA08-FA14 |
SS AALAME | History | HIS 103 Ancient World History to 1300 C.E. | FA19-FA25 |
SS AALAME | History | HIS 227 Power, Authority, and Society in Nonwestern Communities: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East (Cross-listed with PSC 227) | FA08-SU14 |
SS AALAME | Political Science | PSC 227 Power, Authority, and Society in Nonwestern Communities: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East (Cross-listed with HIS 227) | FA08-SU14 |
SS AALAME | Urban Affairs | UST 206 Global Cities | FA10-FA25 |
Campus Location
Office of Instructional Excellence
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 223
Cleveland, Ohio 44115