Social Diversity (GenEd08)

2 courses, 1 from each category

Minimum 6 credits

Each course must be a minimum of 3 credit hours

Category 1: African-American Experience

CategorySubjectCourseSkill AreasEffective
AAEAfricana StudiesAST 200 Introduction to Africana StudiesWriting, Oral CommunicationFA08
AAEAfricana StudiesAST 201 Introduction to Africana Studies since the 1880sWriting, Critical ThinkingFA24
AAEAfricana StudiesAST 207 African-American LiteratureWriting, Critical Thinking, Information LiteracyFA22
AAEAfricana StudiesAST 208 Womanism/Black FeminismWriting, Critical Thinking, Information LiteracyFA22
AAEAfricana StudiesAST 215 History of African-Americans to 1877Critical Thinking, WritingFA22
AAEAfricana StudiesAST 216 History of African-Americans Since 1877Critical Thinking, WritingFA22
AAEAfricana StudiesAST 300 Black PsychologyCritical Thinking, Information LiteracyFA12
AAEAfricana StudiesAST 325 Black America Since 1945Critical Thinking, WritingFA22
AAEAfricana StudiesAST 328 Black Gender and Sexuality in U.S. CultureCritical Thinking, WritingFA22
AAEAfricana StudiesAST 347 Studies in African-American LiteratureCritical Thinking, Information LiteracyFA22
AAEAfricana StudiesAST 350 African American Family LifeCritical Thinking, WritingFA14
AAEArt and DesignART 388 African-American ArtCritical Thinking, WritingSP11
AAECommunicationCOM 232 Interracial CommunicationCritical Thinking, Writing 
AAECommunication Sciences & DisordersCSD 438 Cultural Diversity in Communication Sciences and DisordersCritical Thinking, Oral Communication 
AAEComparative ReligionREL 217 Religion in Black AmericaCritical Thinking, Writing 
AAEComparative ReligionREL 317 Religious Ethics of Malcolm X and Martin Luther KingCritical Thinking, Writing 
AAEEnglishENG 207 African-American LiteratureCritical Thinking, Writing 
AAEEnglishENG 208 Womanism/Black FeminismCritical Thinking, WritingSP09
AAEEnglishENG 347 Studies in African-American LiteratureCritical Thinking, WritingSP09
AAEHistoryHIS 215 History of African-Americans to 1877Critical Thinking, Writing 
AAEHistoryHIS 216 History of African-Americans Since 1877Critical Thinking, Writing 
AAEHistoryHIS 220H Debates in African American HistoryCritical Thinking, Writing, Oral CommunicationFA15
AAEHistoryHIS 302 US Slavery, Abolition, and Politics, 1820-1860Critical Thinking, Writing, Oral CommunicationSP09
AAEHistoryHIS 317 Civil War and ReconstructionCritical Thinking, Writing, Oral CommunicationSP09
AAEHistoryHIS 325 Black America Since 1945Critical Thinking, WritingFA10
AAEHistoryHIS 328 Black Gender and Sexuality in U.S. CultureCritical Thinking, WritingFA13
AAEHistoryHIS 369 Comparative Emancipation: The End of Slavery in the Western HemisphereCritical Thinking, Writing, Oral CommunicationSP09
AAEHistoryHIS 409 Social JusticeCritical Thinking, Information LiteracySP22
AAEPolitical SciencePSC 217 Urban Politics and the African-American ExperienceCritical Thinking, Writing 
AAEPsychologyPSY 409 Social JusticeCritical Thinking, Information LiteracySP22
AAESocial WorkSWK 150 The Black Experience and Contemporary SocietyCritical Thinking, Group Work 
AAESociologySOC 380 Racial and Ethnic InequalityCritical Thinking, Writing 
AAETheatreTHE 216 African American Theatre ICritical Thinking, WritingFA10
AAETheatreTHE 318 African American Theatre IICritical Thinking, WritingFA10
AAEUrban StudiesUST 202 Cleveland: The African-American ExperienceCritical Thinking, Information Literacy 
AAEUrban StudiesUST 251 The African-American Image on FilmCritical Thinking, Information Literacy 
AAEUrban StudiesUST 302 Contemporary Urban Issues (Cross-listed with PSM 302)Critical Thinking, Information Literacy 
AAEWomen's and Gender StudiesWGS 208 Womanism/Black FeminismWriting, Critical ThinkingSP24

Category 2: U.S. Diversity

CategorySubjectCourseSkill AreasEffective
USDAnthropologyANT 100 Human DiversityCritical Thinking, Information Literacy 
USDAnthropologyANT 210 Introduction to Native American StudiesGroup Work 
USDCommunicationCOM 248 Intercultural Communication FA25
USDCommunicationCOM 331 Gender & CommunicationCritical Thinking, Writing 
USDCommunication Sciences & DisordersCSD 241 Survey of Deaf CultureCritical Thinking, Group Work 
USDComparative ReligionREL 248 Race, Immigration and Religion in AmericaCritical Thinking, WritingFA12
USDComparative ReligionREL 274 Buddhism and Hinduism in AmericaCritical Thinking, WritingFA12
USDEducation Curriculum and FoundationsEDB 242 Education and Social ChangeWriting, Critical Thinking, Oral CommunicationFA19
USDEducationEDC 200 Diversity in Educational SettingsCritical Thinking, Group Work, Oral Communication 
USDEngineering ScienceESC 305 Disability, Empathy & TechnologyWriting, Oral CommunicationSP19
USDEnglishENG 210 Native American LiteratureCritical Thinking, WritingSP09
USDEnglishENG 241H H: Introduction to Fiction HonorsCritical Thinking, Information LiteracyFA24
USDEnglishENG 248 Diversity in American LiteratureCritical Thinking, WritingSP09
USDEnglishENG 248H Diversity in American Literature: Honors FA25
USDEnglishENG 348 Studies in Multicultural LiteratureCritical Thinking, WritingSP09
USDEnglishENG 359 Studies in Late American LiteratureWriting, Oral CommunicationFA20
USDEnglishENG 363 Gender Issues in LiteratureCritical Thinking, WritingSP09
USDHistoryHIS 327 American Sexual Communities and PoliticsCritical Thinking, Writing 
USDHealth SciencesHSC 305 Culture and Health CareCritical Thinking, Oral Communication 
USDHealth SciencesHSC 346 Women's HealthCritical Thinking, Oral Communication 
USDHealth SciencesHSC 444 Social Issues in Health CareCritical Thinking, WritingSP09
USDNursingNUR 404 Diversity and Inclusion in NursingWriting, Information LiteracyFA20
USDPhilosophyPHL 115 Selfhood, Freedom & Diversity  FA25
USDPhilosophyPHL 254H Philosophy of Gender and RaceCritical Thinking, WritingFA15
USDPolitical SciencePSC 305 Cultural Diversity in U.S. PoliticsCritical Thinking, Writing 
USDPsychologyPSY 255 Psychology of Women and GenderCritical Thinking, Group Work 
USDPsychologyPSY 356 Multicultural PsychologyCritical Thinking, Group WorkSP12
USDSociologySOC 201H H: Race, Class and Gender HonorsCritical Thinking, Critical ThinkingFA09
USDSociologySOC 250 Diversity & SportWriting, Oral Communication 
USDUrban StudiesUST 215 Women LeadGroup Work, Oral Communication 
USDUrban StudiesUST 232 Belonging in the City  
USDUrban StudiesUST 453 Managing Urban DiversityCritical Thinking, Group WorkSP09
USDUrban StudiesUST 475 Social Justice and the CityCritical Thinking, Information LiteracySP22
USDWomen's and Gender StudiesWGS 151 Introduction to Women's & Gender StudiesCritical Thinking, Oral Communication 

Previously Approved Social Diversity

Previously Approved African-American Experience

AAEAfricana StudiesAST 318 Black America and AfricaFA22-FA25
AAEAfricana StudiesAST 329 Black Resistance in the Age of Jim Crow, 1896-1954FA22-FA25
AAEAfricana StudiesAST 409 Social JusticeSP22-FA25
AAEAnthropologyANT 270 African-American CultureUntil FA21
AAEEnglishENG 207H Honors: African American Literature; The CityFA08-FA14
AAEHistoryHIS 305 Social Thought of African-AmericansFA08-SU14
AAEHistoryHIS 318 Black America and AfricaUntil FA25
AAEHistoryHIS 324 Defining Black AmericaUntil SU19
AAEHistoryHIS 326 African American History Through Sacred MusicSP09-SU19
AAEHistoryHIS 329 Black Resistance in the Age of Jim Crow, 1896-1954FA09-FA25
AAEPhilosophyPHL 252 African-American Social PhilosophyFA13-SP20
AAEPublic Safety ManagementPSM 302 Contemporary Urban Issues (Cross-listed with UST 302)FA08-FA11
AAESociologySOC 215 Black/White InteractionFA08-SU12
AAEUrban StudiesUST 203 The African-American Experience: ClevelandFA20-FA24

Previously Approved U.S. Diversity

USDArt and DesignArt 341 Multicultural AestheticsFA14-FA18
USDAnthropologyANT 224 Sex, Gender and CultureSP11-FA14
USDAnthropologyANT 243 Language and GenderFA09-SU14
USDEngineering ScienceESC 205 Disability, Empathy & Technology (if taken with ESC 305)SP19-FA22
USDHistoryHIS 316H H: History of the American West - HonorsFA10-SU23
USDNonprofit AdministrationNAD 453 Managing Urban DiversitySP09-FA11
USDNonprofit AdministrationNAD 455 Gender and LeadershipFA08-FA11
USDPhilosophyPHL 253 Philosophy of FeminismSP09-SU14
USDPublic Safety ManagementPSM 453 Managing Urban DiversitySP09-FA11
USDSociologySOC 201 Race, Class and GenderUntil FA25
USDSociologySOC 317 Sociology of GenderUntil FA25
USDWorld Languages,
Literatures and Cultures
WLC 245 Arabic Resources of ClevelandSP09-SP19

Campus Location
Office of Instructional Excellence
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 223
Cleveland, Ohio 44115