General Education Program
Campus Location
Office of Instructional Excellence
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 223
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
The capstone experience represents the culmination of a student's learning in her or his discipline. Students must take a capstone course that is approved for their major; if multiple capstone options are available in a major, students should consult with their advisor about which option is best for them.
Category | Subject | Course | Effective |
Capstone | Africana Studies | AST 402 Capstone | |
Capstone | Anthropology | ANT 495 Senior Seminar in Anthropology | |
Capstone | Arabic | ARB 404 Capstone Project | |
Capstone | Art and Design | ART 450 Design Capstone | |
Capstone | Art and Design | ART 451 Art Studio Capstone | |
Capstone | Art and Design | ART 452 Art History Capstone | |
Capstone | Art and Design | ART 495 Art Seminar | |
Capstone | Biology | BIO 495 Seminar | |
Capstone | Biomedical Engineering | BME 441 BME Senior Design II | FA24 |
Capstone | Business | BSM 400 Business Decision Making | FA23 |
Capstone | Chemical Engineering | CHE 440 Process Design I | |
Capstone | Chemical Engineering | CHE 441 Process Design II | |
Capstone | Chemistry | CHM 457 Pharmaceutical Analysis Lab | |
Capstone | Chemistry | CHM 472 Student Colloquium | |
Capstone | Chemistry | CHM 489 Senior Research | |
Capstone | Chemistry | CHM 489H Honors Senior Research | |
Capstone | Civil Engineering | CVE 427 Capstone Design | |
Capstone | Communication | COM 401 Advanced Video/Audio Production | |
Capstone | Communication | COM 427 News Media Laboratory | |
Capstone | Communication | COM 430 Digital Content Production | SP20 |
Capstone | Communication | COM 444 Mediation & Collaborative Problem Solving | |
Capstone | Communication | COM 446 Media Studies Project | FA19 |
Capstone | Communication | COM 447 Promotional Production | |
Capstone | Communication | COM 448 Managing Organizational Teams | |
Capstone | Communication | COM 449 Health Communication Interventions | |
Capstone | Communication | COM 455 Communication Campaigns | |
Capstone | Communication | COM 475 Communication and Training in Organizations | |
Capstone | Communication Sciences & Disorders | CSD 497 Senior Capstone Portfolio | |
Capstone | Comparative Religion | REL 490 Senior Thesis Proposal | |
Capstone | Comparative Religion | REL 491 Senior Thesis Writing | |
Capstone | Comparative Religion | REL 497 Capstone in Religious Studies | |
Capstone | Computer Science | CIS 494 Senior Design II | FA24 |
Capstone | Construction Management | CMG 490 Senior Construction Management Capstone | FA24 |
Capstone | Criminology | CRM 401 Capstone Course in Criminology | |
Capstone | Dance | DAN 493 Senior Project | |
Capstone | Data Science | DSA 494 Senior Design II | FA22 |
Capstone | Early Childhood Education | ECE 451 P-5 Internship 2: Teachers as Leaders | |
Capstone | Economics | ECN 428 Applied Economic Analysis | |
Capstone | Education Curriculum & Instruction | EDB 495 Seminar in Educational Inquiry | |
Capstone | Electrical and Computer Engineering | EEC 494 Senior Design II | |
Capstone | Electronic Engineering Technology | EET 480 Senior Design B | |
Capstone | English | ENG 495 Senior Seminar | |
Capstone | English | ENG 498 Creative Writing Senior Capstone | FA19 |
Capstone | Environmental Science | EVS 490 Internship in Environmental Science | |
Capstone | Environmental Science | EVS 491 Honors Research | |
Capstone | Environmental Science | EVS 497 Research in Environmental Science | |
Capstone | Exercise Science | EXS 480 Internship and Senior Seminar | |
Capstone | Film & Media Arts | FMA 401 Documentary Production | FA19 |
Capstone | Film & Media Arts | FMA 456 Film & Media Arts Thesis II | |
Capstone | French | FRN 441 French Capstone Field Study Project | |
Capstone | French | FRN 494 French Capstone | |
Capstone | Health Care Administration | HCA 460 Healthcare Management Strategy | FA23 |
Capstone | Health Sciences | HSC 410 Evidence Based Practice | |
Capstone | Health Sciences | HSC 440H Honors Cooperative Education Career Experience | |
Capstone | Health Sciences | HSC 465 Urban Health IV | FA22 |
Capstone | Health Sciences | HSC 484 Advanced Research and Writing in Health Sciences | |
Capstone | Health Sciences | HSC 486 Cooperative Education Career Experience | |
Capstone | Health Sciences | HSC 487 Community-Based Participatory Research and Health | |
Capstone | History | HIS 401 History Seminar | |
Capstone | Linguistics | LIN 494 Linguistics Capstone | |
Capstone | Management | MGT 465 Management Strategy & Policy | |
Capstone | Mathematics | MTH 496 Senior Project | |
Capstone | Mathematics | MTH 496H Honors Project | |
Capstone | Mechanical Engineering | MCE 450 Design Project I | |
Capstone | Mechanical Engineering | MCE 451 Design Project II | |
Capstone | Mechanical Engineering Technology | MET 480 Senior Design B | |
Capstone | Middle Childhood Education | EDM 451 Middle Childhood Internship 2: Teachers as Leaders | |
Capstone | Music | MUS 447 Curriculum and Assessment in Music | FA19 |
Capstone | Music | MUS 481 Senior Recital | |
Capstone | Music | MUS 482 Full Recital | |
Capstone | Music | MUS 485 Composition Recital | |
Capstone | Music | MUS 498 Senior Project | |
Capstone | Music Therapy | MTX 425 Internship in Music Therapy | FA19 |
Capstone | Nursing | NUR 420 Professional Role Practicum - Capstone | |
Capstone | Nursing | NUR 420H Prof Role Practicum Capstone - Honors | |
Capstone | Nursing | NUR 460 Role Practicum | |
Capstone | Nursing | NUR 470 Nursing Capstone (BSN) | FA20 |
Capstone | Philosophy | PHL 491 Senior Seminar in Philosophy | |
Capstone | Philosophy | PHL 495 Philosophy Capstone | FA20 |
Capstone | Physical Education - Professional | PED 483 Student Teaching Multiage Physical Education | |
Capstone | Physics | PHY 498 Capstone Senior Project | FA22 |
Capstone | Political Science | PSC 420 Seminar in American Politics | |
Capstone | Political Science | PSC 421 Seminar in Comparative Politics | |
Capstone | Political Science | PSC 422 Seminar in International Relations | |
Capstone | Political Science | PSC 423 Seminar in Law and Political Theory | |
Capstone | Psychology | PSY 412 Psychology Laboratory | |
Capstone | Psychology | PSY 415 Evaluating Psychological Research | |
Capstone | Social Work | SWK 486 Understanding Multicultural Social Work Practice | |
Capstone | Social Work | SWK 495 Social Work Licensure Exam: Strategies and Stress Reduction Techniques | FA24 |
Capstone | Spanish | SPN 494 Spanish Capstone | |
Capstone | Spanish | SPN 495 Spanish Field Study Capstone | |
Capstone | Special Education | ESE 451 Mild/Moderate Internship 2: Teachers as Leaders | |
Capstone | Special Education | ESE 471 Moderate/Intensive Internship 2: Teachers as Leaders | |
Capstone | Sport Management | SPM 465 Sport and Entertainment Management Strategy | FA23 |
Capstone | Theatre | THE 491 Senior Project | |
Capstone | Urban Studies | UST 452 Management of Urban and Nonprofit Organizations | |
Capstone | Urban Studies | UST 489 Advanced Senior Seminar | |
Capstone | Women and Gender Studies | WGS 495 Advanced Seminar |
Previously Approved Capstone
Category | Subject | Course | Effective |
Capstone | Chemistry | CHM 449 Pharmaceutical Science Practicum | Until SU19 |
Capstone | Civil Engineering | CVE 426 Preliminary Design | Until FA22 |
Capstone | Classical and Medieval Studies | CLM 498 Senior Thesis Proposal | Until FA24 |
Capstone | Classical and Medieval Studies | CLM 499 Senior Thesis Writing | Until FA24 |
Capstone | Communication | COM 405 Multi-Media Journalism | Until SP20 |
Capstone | Computer and Information Science | CIS 485 Senior Project | Until FA20 |
Capstone | Communication | HIS 400 Local History Seminar | Until SP20 |
Capstone | Economics | ECN 441 Business Fluctuations & Forecasting | Until FA23 |
Capstone | Economics | ECN 450 Economics of Law | Until FA21 |
Capstone | Economics | ECN 482 International Trade | Until FA23 |
Capstone | Economics | ECN 485 Economics of Development and Growth | Until FA23 |
Capstone | Environmental Science | EVS 496 Independent Study in Environmental Science | Until FA22 |
Capstone | Philosophy | PHL 305 Philosophy Seminar | Until FA22 |
Capstone | Physics | PHY 474 Thermal Physics | Until FA22 |
Capstone | Social Work | SWK 386 Integrative Seminar I (Capstone I) | Until FA24 |
Capstone | Sociology | SOC 400 Capstone Course in Sociology and Criminology | Until FA22 |
Campus Location
Office of Instructional Excellence
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 223
Cleveland, Ohio 44115